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Fenton Barns Mushroom Growing Project

Finding Inspiration in Every Mushroom.

Fenton Barns Mushroom Growing Project started in October 2019. We secured our premises and on the 4th of November 2019 we have received the keys to our first indoor mushroom growing unit.

The journey has began!

The Fenton Barns Project ended 30th November 2022.


Our Story

We have grown a thing!

We have been growing oyster mushrooms at home since 2007, having the dream to run exotic mushroom farm and share with our community easy to apply mushroom growing techniques.

Since November 2019 we are working at Fenton Barns commercial 1000 sq ft unit where we can accommodate approximately 400-500 mushroom growing bags in one time. 

We have one fruiting room- size 3 m x 9 m, one incubation room- size 3 m x 3 m, small laboratory and production area.

After first few months of  setting up our first grow rooms, setting up all business involved paperwork and harvesting our first mushrooms, we quickly learned, growing mushrooms at home is very different than running mushroom farm, even as tiny as ours.

We are learning every day and mushrooms are our teachers, it is fascinating journey!

We are happy to share our experiences and knowledge with anyone who is planning to grow mushrooms as business or personal use.

We have attended over 100 Farmers Markets since 2020 and delivered our fresh mushrooms to many people. Our clients at farmers markets helped us to understand that there is huge need for locally grown mushrooms other than white button mushrooms. People always asked us questions how easy is to grow mushrooms?

We realized there is a huge interest in our local community in learning how to grow own mushrooms at home. 

From 2021 we run mushroom growing classes for beginners. Visiting our place at Fenton Barns, you can learn easy mushroom growing techniques while working on the farm and observing from inside the whole process of mushroom cultivation.

Usually when people order mushroom grow kits, they enjoy only the process of fruiting, which is the last stage of mushroom cultivation.

We would like to share with people step by step, from the spore to the plate, the whole process of mushroom cultivation from beginning to end.

We know there are many online classes and videos on how to grow mushrooms, but none of them can give in person, physical experience of observing the life cycle of mushrooms. 

Our mission is to make our classes accessible and affordable to all people, regardless employment and financial status.

We offer volunteering opportunities for those who would like to work on our farm in exchange for experience in mushroom cultivation.

We constantly improve our services and products researching for new sustainable ways of mushroom growing to share with you.


At this point we are going deeper into mushroom world and we begin to learn from them. Yes, mushrooms are our teachers and the only teachers on mushroom growing journey. 

Every mushroom grower should visit forest and observe the wildlife before they even think of growing mushrooms. Forest, Trees and Mushrooms will show us what they need to grow, we just need to open to their wisdom.

With those thoughts, we would like to honour John Muir and his wise words 'and into the forest I go, to find my mind and lose my soul' 


Mycobee- 37 Months at Fenton Barns
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Fenton Barns Mushroom Growing Project

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